Discovered in 1940, Cannabidiol does not have the same psychoactivity as THC, it is known as CBD - and those are the facts. Other tested and true evidence is a bit harder to come by. With little regulations on manufacturing, products can also vary widely in quality. However; there are multiple ways in which people say CBD Oil has helped them and by all means, if a non-addictive substance is making you feel better, I’m all for it! But SPOILER ALERT, I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, so I myself cannot vouch for any of these desired results.
By impacting receptor activity and reducing inflammation, CBD may ease chronic pain. The same dose can also be taken for long periods of time as tolerance will not build. This makes CBD a desirable treatment for chronic pain, it is a long-term option for a long-term problem. However; taking too much for too long can cause a few side effects. Keep to the correct and instructed dosage to stay away from nausea, irritability, and insomnia.
The receptors affected by CBD are called endocannabinoids. These receptors play the staring role when seeking help for social anxiety disorder, some depression, and stress. Instead of creating a high like the one from THC, which can increase the terrors of these disorders, CBD ramps up the positive effects of those receptors to help your body in multiple ways. It has been said to reduce symptoms of social anxiety by making one feel relaxed as well as redirecting how the brain responds to anxiety as a whole.
In a purely physical way, CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties may also help manage muscle strain, joint soreness, and even dehydration. Heartburn, indigestion, and other autoimmune responses that display in hives, acne, and swelling may be decreased with CBD too. Like a vitamin, CBD can help keep you feeling well in a natural way.
CBD has also been researched as a treatment for narcolepsy and Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS). A small dose before bedtime has shown positive affects on decreasing sleep interruptions by reducing symptoms of REM Behavior Disorder (RBD) and therefore increasing total sleep time. This lessens EDS by getting a better night’s sleep. All in all, CBD may be able to improve the entire sleep cycle making for more energetic days and the ability to more easily overcome stress-inducing events.
In recent years, a U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisory panel recommended approval of Epidiolex, a CBD medication, to treat two rare forms of childhood epilepsy. This definitely seems promising, especially if it does indeed decrease the amount of seizures had by children suffering from these debilitating issues.
Taken orally as a tincture, capsule, sublingual spray or applied directly to the skin as a cream, CBD comes in many forms. There are also multiple laws with varying restrictions in each state. CBD can easily be purchased online, but legality in each state differs. Before taking any form of CBD for whatever may ail you, do your research. Seek out organic manufacturers and correct dosages.
**Statements made in this article have not been confirmed by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Now now, there is no need to wake up at some ungodly hour in order to be the CEO of the next Apple or Tesla, but perfecting the morning schedule that suits you can help with productivity, diet, mental and physical health.
You wake up every morning, get dressed, caffeinate, feed yourself, and get to work - throughout this Groundhogs Day process you find yourself thinking about that passion project or small online business you wish you could dive deeper into.